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Friendly Fire – Episode 37 – Independence Month – It’s BrEXIT

Friendly Fire
Friendly Fire
Friendly Fire - Episode 37 - Independence Month - It's BrEXIT

Join Caliph and Jamese as they discuss the past, present and possible future of the decision that is known around the world as BrExit. It is befitting really that this is part of Independence Month. The reason for it is since America was a part of the English Empire or Union if you will and the Colonies felt under the scrutiny of the motherland that it was time to severe ties so has the people of Britain voted to cut ties with European Union. What led to this decision? What is the possible fallout of this decision?

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As promised from the podcast, here is an example and actually the video I mentioned. There are many more whether it is Black, White, or whatever. This is a systemic situation that possibly fed into the, as i call it, “Fear-lief” to leave the European Union.

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