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Friendly Fire Episode 18 – H.E.R.O…Reborn?

Friendly Fire
Friendly Fire
Friendly Fire Episode 18 - H.E.R.O...Reborn?

Join Caliph and Jamese as they discuss the city of Houston’s ordinance Preposition 1. What is HERO? Who is affected? Who is it really looking out for? Is there anything similar already on the books regarding HERO? Please subscribe through iTunes and if you are on android/windows/ or regular PC, you can [sdm_download id=”532″ fancy=”0″]


Friendly Fire - The podcast featuring Caliph Knight and Jamese Newkirk. Join them as they discuss things from politics to everyday movies.
Friendly Fire – The podcast featuring Caliph Knight and Jamese Newkirk. Join them as they discuss things from politics to everyday movies.

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